Variety is the spice of what we do

Hi, one of the things that makes running elements watersports so much fun is the variety. For example in the last few days I've been teaching powerboating and VHF from a super yacht in Auckland Harbour and then back in Tauranga getting a new sailor cruising up and down wind in an Omega dinghy from Kulim Park, Tauranga Harbour). This variety is not just good for us, it's often given as the reason for why students choose us, particularly on the more advanced or big group bookings. When run an activity we are also drawing on delivery methods and skills from other activities. In my experience the best seasoned instructors always have a random coaching qualification, gained to improve instructional technique/ diversity. In my case it's a basketball coach award, I can't say I've used it much on a court but it comes to mind every time I develop drills and brief groups for an activity.