YachtingNZ sailing instructor course YNZ

Oneroa beach gas been a great venue for day one of this weekends YNZ sailing instructor course on Waiheke Island, New Zealand.

The mixed group from the local Sailing Club and Sea Scouts are all set to get more locals out on the water. If you are young or old and want to be involved just drop me a line and il out you in touch with both groups.

Extra pairs of hands are always welcome so if you have a background in sailing or small powerboats and have some spare time to enjoy being on the water then you will be very welcome.

Boatmaster Courses Tailored by Elements Watersports

Everyone learns, absorbs and remembers new info in different ways. We pride ourselves in keeping groups small and with a similar focus so that not just the session length and times suit but so does the content and style of tuition. Here Boatmaster students go over an exercise created to suit them personally . Creating your own imaginary Harbour is a great way to anticipate what navigation markets are coming up and why.

YachtingNZ sailing instructor course for the Sea Cadets

Well done to all the Cadet Officers who have successfully passed the YNZ instructor course. You made the course fun and rewarding. It was great to see you adapting Crown sailing skills to the Topaz. I hope you got all the way on your destination sail the following day. With thanks Pete

Rena debris alert

we will be monitoring the situation at Kulim park, while we are teaching we will be available to clear debris out the way of sailors and windsurfers using Kulim Park.

For info re the wider Harbour and bop please read on...

Boaties advised to stay off the water

Bay of Plenty Regional Council advises boaties to stay off the water due to the large amount of debris and containers in the coastal waters following the Rena breaking up.

Any boaties who head out should be extremely vigilant and aware of the risk of hitting floating and submerged items.

The Harbour Master has established a cautionary area in the western Bay of Plenty, which includes the area from Waihī Beach to Mayor Island to Maketū.

All vessels in this area are recommended to navigate with extreme caution.

All vessels should proceed at slow speed, keep a good lookout and travel through the area in daylight only. The debris field is extensive and its movement is unpredictable and could extend further.

The current Rena exclusion zone remains in place until further notice – a three nautical mile radius around Astrolabe Reef. This will be reviewed on a daily basis and may be extended as more information is collected.

Anyone found in the exclusion zone without the express permission of the harbourmaster may face fines or prosecution.

Regional Council has been advised that beaches have not been closed, however swimmers are also urged to stay out of the water due to the large amount of debris washing up.

The Port of Tauranga continues to be fully operational and is communicating directly with ships coming into and exiting the harbour around navigational safety.

It is important to notify Maritime New Zealand immediately, by calling 0800 645 774 if you see oil in the water, or 0800 333 771 if you see containers or debris coming ashore.

For more media information contact:
Community Relations Manager Bronwyn Campbell on 021 287 9380